Saturday, March 8, 2014

Recipes: Pickled eggs.... You've gotta try!

I know they sound gross and kind of have a bad rap, but they Really are Good. What better than to have a jar full of protein ready to go for a quick snack for the kids. 
I found that if you like deviled eggs then you will defiantly like my pickled eggs. Not all pickeled eggs are the same. I had never had them before I tasted one of my cousins homemade eggs... Yumm, I thought, I've got to try this. He told me how he made them, super easy.  They've been a staple in our house ever since. The trick is you use your left over pickle juice. It makes them have great flavor. 

Jar of leftover dill pickle juice
Hard boiled eggs (enough that you think will fit nice a cossy in your pickle jar)
Distiled white vinegar

Note: they will taste great with just the ingredients listed above. 

Peppercorns or black pepper
Sprinkle of ground mustard 
Peeled clove of garlic
Pinch of dill fresh or dried

Add some or all of these ingredients.

1.Boil your eggs and let cool- I found that if I boil my eggs for at least 30 mins and the immediately put the in a ice bath they peel very easy. 

2. Peel and rinse off

3. Fill jar with as many eggs that will fit without smushing them. 

4. When the jar is full of eggs, fill the rest of the jar with the white vinegar all the way to the top, so all the eggs are covered and then add any optional ingredients. 

5. Store in the refrigerator. In about a week you will have yummy eggs down to the yolk. I find that after a day or two the white has absorbed the flavor but it takes close to a week for the yolk to have full flavor.  

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