Thursday, February 6, 2014

Toddler Sensory Play with Cooked Oatmeal

B3 is still putting everything in his mouth, so when we do sensory play I still have to take that into consideration. We played with play dough, and despite the off putting taste, he thought it was there to taste while he played. I found it hard to watch.  So now I try to find things that are a little more easy to stomach.  Inspired by my left over oatmeal in the fridge, thought I'd give this a try.  What better way to use up some oatmeal that's on its last day. Hope this is a fun addition to your sensory play activities. 

Things needed:

  1.  One cup cooked oatmeal or left over cooked oatmeal 
  2.  Mess proof play area  
  3.  Time to let lose and get messy

1. Cook the oatmeal as directed. 
  • Tip: When I cook mine for play, I make it with just water.  

  • Let cool completely and thicken 
NEVER use HOT or warm oatmeal!.

  • Room temp or cold leftover oatmeal always works good.  

Enjoy and store left over oatmeal in the fridge to eat or play with. 

As with all sensory play, always watch your children and use good parental discretion with your child and their developmental level.

I appreciate viewer input, so please let me know how this worked for you. 

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